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We Will Come and Teach on

Intercessory Prayer and Fasting...

Having a Conference on Intercession or on Prayer and Fasting?

Add something special to your Apostolic, Prophetic or Prayer and Fasting Conference. Apostle Hogan is a physician and an expert on Biblical Fasting. He will bring an understanding to why Fasting will soon become the most cherished spiritual discipline of the end time. His books, "A Simple Understanding to Good Health" and "The Joy of Intelligent Spirit, Soul and Body Fasting", are must reads.                                     

Want to change the Spiritual Atmosphere of your Church?

Nothing will change the Spiritual Atmosphere of your church like getting a deeper understanding of why we should fast, when we should fast and how we should fast. What role does water play in a fast?, Why a Daniel fast is so misunderstood and what you should never do while on a fast. Why most churches have approximately a 10% participation rate during a corporate fast. Contact Fasting Network, your church will be blessed. Learn more about Intercessory Prayer and Fasting. 

A church or ministry? Then join us and allow all of our Fasting Intercessors to pray for your organizational needs, your leaders, your finances and your growth. Make sure that when you need serious prayer with accompanied fasting that we will automatically summon the army of fasting intercessors to pray specifically for you. Don't wait for a crisis, join us so we can begin to pray regularly for you. We pray so you are ready for a crisis.

Contact Us And We Will Come


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