Fasting Network
"Fasting Intercessors from all over the World"
Your Prayers Make a Difference ~ Join Today!
Fasting Intercessors
I have been asked many times, "what is a Fasting Intercessor and what do you do to become one". Well, a Fasting Intercessor is a man or woman of God tha​t ​understands the trying times in which they live. They are willing to pray for others in need and to fast and tap into the heart of God to know His Will concerning these times. God has always had Fasting Intercessors throughout time and we get a clear picture of a few of them in the Old and New Testament. Their lives were always dedicated to closeness to God and fasting and praying for others. They were all gifted in that they could clearly here the voice of God. They never deviated from their God ordained vocation. They never put themselves ahead of Gods Will. None of them craved riches and honor but chose to wield their passion and power in obscurity. When you are willing to serve God without craving human recognition, God has a way of exposing your efforts to the world. If no one else knows that you are fasting and praying for the less fortunate, those around the world that are denied justice, the military, those being trafficked and those denied the right to serve the true God, God knows and your efforts will be rewarded in ways you cannot imagine. The Fasting Intercessor was respected by people that did not appear to be very fond of them. Others knew there was something special about them and that something special had to do with their relationship with God. Most of our Fasting Intercessors come from the ranks of intercessors. They have a history of interceding at their churches, their ministry organizations or their families. They enjoy praying for others. Some of our Fasting Intercessors do not have a history of interceding regularly but have always been interested in praying for others. Some of our Fasting Intercessors just feel that God is calling them to become an intercessor. We remind them that to become an effective intercessor you must begin to pray regularly. Most Christians know how to pray, whether they pray from a prayer menu or whether they pray while listening to the Holy Spirit direct them what to pray. Our goal is to teach our intercessors how to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that is why we combine intercession with fasting. We know that fasting is very difficult for those not use to it so we begin slowly and increase the fasting time never to exceed three days per month. Remember, it is not how long you fast but how effectively you fast. Anyone who is sincere about praying for others can become a Fasting Intercessor. Come join us.... Go to the web store and choose "Join Fasting Network". You receive the books "Fasting Intercessors" and "Morning Manna", an Identification card for discounts on all items and registrations for any conference, for only a one time donation of $35.00. You are an important part of a special end time ministry...We need you, join us now!!! (you can pray with us without joining).